Creating a Resource Server: Step by Step

Creating a Resource Server: Step by Step#

From Scratch#

To quickly create a resource server from scratch, you can use the “sample resource server” as a starting point.

Create the Server#

  1. Duplicate the folder /projects/sel4-gpi/apps/sample-resource-server.

  2. Rename the files and variables to suit your resource server. Suppose your resource server will serve the resource type X:

    1. Rename the sample_client and sample_server files to X_client and X_server.

    2. Find-and-replace the word sample within the folder with X.

  3. Add the server to the root task’s CMake file (located at /projects/sel4-gpi/apps/sel4test-driver/CMakeLists.txt):

    1. Add the directory to be built: add_subdirectory(../X-resource-server X-resource-server)

    2. Add the executable to the CPIO archive: list(APPEND cpio_files "$<TARGET_FILE:X_server>")

  4. Add the client library to a client’s CMake file (for example, the test process, located at /projects/sel4-gpi/apps/sel4test-tests/CMakeLists.txt):

    1. Add X_client to the list in target_link_libraries.

  5. Start the resource server:

    1. Copy the GPIPD003 test, which starts the sample resource server.

    2. Import the client api: #include <X_client.h>.

    3. Replace references to sample_server in the test with X_server.

    4. Run your test - it should start your server and allocate one resource.

Fill in the Blanks#

These steps can be completed in any order.

  1. Decide on the client API for interacting with your resource server, and define the API in the X_rpc.proto file.

    1. To add a new type of request, add a new message structure, and add it to the request message:

    message XFooMessage {
        uint64 arg1 = 1;
        uint64 arg2 = 2;
    message SampleMessage {
        uint64 magic = 100;
        oneof msg {
            XAllocMessage alloc = 1;
            XFreeMessage free = 2;
            XFooMessage foo = 3;
    1. If the request does not require any information in the reply message, then you can use the basic return message, and there is no need to add a new reply message type. If the reply does carry information, then add a new reply message structure, and add it to the reply message:

    message XFooReturnMessage {
        uint64 arg1 = 1;
    message XReturnMessage {
        XError errorCode = 1; 
        oneof msg {
            XBasicReturnMessage basic = 2;
            XAllocReturnMessage alloc = 3;
            XFooReturnMessage foo = 4;
    1. You may also want to add new error types to the XError enum, which will be returned in the errorCode field of the XReturnMessage.

    2. Build the project to generate the message structures from the .proto file.

  2. Add the client API functions to the X_client.h and X_client.c files:

    • The client API function should fill out the appropriate RPC request structure, and extract the results from the reply structure.

    int X_client_foo(sample_client_context_t *conn, uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2, uint64_t *response)
        int error;
        XMessage request = {
            .magic = SAMPLE_RPC_MAGIC,
            .which_msg = XMessage_foo_tag,
   = {
                .arg1 = arg1,
                .arg2 = arg2,
        XReturnMessage reply = {0};
        error = sel4gpi_rpc_call(&rpc_client, conn->ep, &request, 0, NULL, &reply);
        error |= reply.errorCode;
        if (error == 0) {
            // Extract the response if the call was successful
            *response =;
        return error;
  3. Give the server the resources it needs:

    • The default start_X_server_proc function starts the server with the minimum required RDEs (MO, EP, RESSPC, and VMR for its own address space).

    • Using start_resource_server_pd_args, you can add up to 1 additional RDE, and an arbitrary number of command-line arguments.

    • Sending additional RDEs or resources will require extension to the start_resource_server_pd_args function, see flexible PD configuration for more details.

  4. Fill in the X_init function in the server to perform any startup work for the server.

  5. Fill in the X_request_handler function to handle the messages you defined in the client API.

    • If the message is sent via an RDE (the general endpoint, not a particular resource), then add a case to the if (obj_id == BADGE_OBJ_ID_NULL) path.

    • If the message is sent via a particular resource, then add a case to the else path for requests with an object ID.

  6. Fill in the X_work_handler function to handle work messages from the root task.

  7. Test the resource server:

    • Test the client API functions that you defined.

    • Test the server’s response to root task work. Try extracting the model state, crashing a PD while it holds resources from your resource server, and triggering your resource server’s space to be deleted by a cleanup policy.

From an Existing App#

You may have some existing server or library code, which you want to convert into a resource server.

  1. Design a client API. If your server already has an API, great! If not, you will want to determine what operations you need to expose in your API.

    • The API will need to refer to resources; some operations will allocate resources, and others will operate on resources. Your app may or may not have an intuitive notion of a resource. For example, a ramdisk would intuitively provide block resources. A network driver might, less intuitively, provide buffers as a resource.

    • Recall that IPC is often the slowest part of operations, so you need to find a balance between higher granularity operations (higher efficiency) and lower granularity operations (higher flexibility).

    • You may choose to keep some logic in the client, rather than the server. For example, when converting the file system to a file server, we chose to keep track of file descriptors and file offsets in the client. This was to reduce complexity in the server and reduce IPC calls.

  2. Copy the sample resource server: it is probably simpler to copy the sample resource server and migrate your app logic to it, than to introduce resource server logic to your app. Follow the steps here.

  3. Create the client RPC protocol and migrate your server logic as described here.

    • You will migrate just the server’s logic to handle client requests, and the resource server utils library will handle the server’s main event loop.

    • You will likely need to add new logic to handle the root task’s work requests in the work_handler function.

  4. Update clients / tests: You may need to modify existing clients or tests to use the new client API.